Dansk Selskab for Arabisk Hesteavl (DSAH) blev oprettet i 1967. Det betyder at DSAH fejrede 50 års jubilæum i 2017.
DSAH har pr. 31/12 2023 overgivet al registrering af fuldblods arabere i Danmark til SEGES
Foreningens formålsparagraf er at støtte avlen og brugen af den arabiske hest.
INT. EAHGC SHOW 15-16 Juni 2024 Vilhelmsborg
Dansk National Championat
Emirates Arabian Horse Global Cub
We are incredibly grateful to the Emirates Arabian Horse Society and His Highness Sheikh Mansour for sharing this extraordinary opportunity with our breeders and owners in Europe. We are looking forward to see you all 15-16 June Vilhelmsborg. Stay tuned for more updates for participation.
EAHGC show Price Money:
First to Fifth placed horse in each class 5000 aed
We will soon update with more information
Resultater fra DSAH Show Vilhelmsborg d.17-18 Juni findes på Arabian Essence.
Link: Arabian Essence
DSAH er medlem af :
WAHO World Arabian Horse Organization
ECAHO European Conference of Arab Horse Organizations
LU Landsudvalget for Hesteavl.